Brainzzz is a Puzzle Game for android
download last version of Brainzzz Apk + Mod (Unlimited Coins) for android from revdl with direct link
Brainzzz is a collection of classic little games with thousands of levels of different difficulties, which includes o Tangram, OneLine,Flow, Sudoku, ColorFill, Maze, Jigsaw and other puzzle games. It´s a game lobby that will bring you fun and recreation.
The Brainzzz invite you to participate:
Classic strokes, a slide to the end of the game adaptation, a simple and complex mixture, you can only draw a graphic with your fingers.
It´s a type of puzzle game which use pieces of diferente forms to form various kind of figures, without any pieces left unused.
Challenging gameplay, using the line to link two cubes
There are more than 500 levels, waiting for you!
Animal jigsaw puzzle
Animal theme, with more than 400 different animal versions, you need to complete a combination of animals according to the outline of the jigsaw puzzle. Come and challenge.
Amzing game of block, just move the block and fill in the map, you can challenge the high targets, come with me!
What you need to do is to exit from the horrible maze and achieve the target without knocking against the wall.
You need to spin the tubes until the right angle and connect the tubes of the same color to find the way out.
Don´t be cheated by the cute eyes. Try to find a solution to make it fill the whole chessboard.
The smartest people in the world must play sudoku. The sudoku can examine not only the capacity to distinguish and organize the numbers, but also the spacial capacity. Easy to play. Let´s experience the charm of the numbers together.
More interesting games will be online very soon
Thousands of new levels and gameplay are in design.
Challenge different dificulties
Every game has at least 8 difficulty levels, from newcomer level to master level, waiting for your challenge.
Whichever good ideas and comments are welcome.
The post Brainzzz 2.8.8 Apk + Mod (Unlimited Coins) for android appeared first on RevDL | Download Android Apps & Games.
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